Omareyah Gadgets Bazaar is a project to apply the Understanding by Design (UbD)

Omareyah Gadgets Bazaar is a project to apply the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework by Teacher Ibrahim Al Najjar. It is an exciting opportunity for 6th graders to learn important skills related to language and marketing. By bringing in gadgets that they no longer use and writing advertisements to sell them, students are developing their writing skills in a practical, hands-on way. This project was designed using the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework, which prioritizes student understanding and application of key concepts.

Through this activity, students are not only learning how to write effective advertisements, but also how to communicate their ideas clearly and persuasively. By showcasing their creativity and linguistic abilities, students are building confidence and developing important life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom.

The Omareyah Gadgets Bazaar is a fun and educational event that demonstrates the value of practical, project-based learning.  

The English language coordinator Mr. Ma’en Qaddomi attended this activity and commented: “I am thrilled to be a part of this initiative and look forward to seeing the amazing work that our students produce.”




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